


The International Federation of Film societies deeply regrets the tragic death of Theo Angelopolus, creator of cornerstones in world cinema and former President of the FICC/IFFS. It was a great honour to have Mr. Angelopoulos as our president. His work as an artist striving towards a better world through journalism and film, is an invaluable legacy. May he rest in peace and his films live on forever.

We have copied this from the British film journal Sight and Sound and recommend their links for further reading:

We were shocked and saddened to hear of the death last night of Theo Angelopoulos, one of the true greats of world cinema. The 76-year-old director was hit and killed by a motorcycle while crossing a road near the set of The Other Sea, which as discussed below was to be the closing chapter of a trilogy after 2004’s The Weeping Meadow and 2009’s The Dust of Time, his most recent features.

David Jenkins interviewed Angelopoulos last November for this article, which runs in our current February issue; we published it online two weeks ago. Time seems to have suddenly moved very fast, but we hope that David’s appraisal of Angelopoulos’s career, and the director’s own recent voice presented herein, will serve to honour the achievements of this master of the historical fresco and trailblazer of the sequence shot.

An obituary will run in our March issue. In the meantime, this transcript of a substantial interview conducted by Geoff Andrew with Angelopoulos on stage at the National Film Theatre in 2003 is further recommended reading.